UW News

November 18, 2004

Health Sciences News Briefs

Extra Zero
Correction: An item in the Nov. 4 In Brief column had one extra, erroneous zero. The grant received by Dr. Sarena Seifer, research assistant professor of health services in the School of Public Health and Community Medicine, to support a three-year project, the Community-Engaged Scholarship for Health Collaborative, was actually for $600,000. Eleven health professional schools, including the UW public health school, around the country will be working to change their promotion and tenure systems to better recognize and reward faculty engaged in community-based teaching, research and service. The grant is from the federal Department of Education’s Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education.

Profile in Science
A profile of Dr. Sue Herring, professor of orthodontics in the School of Dentistry, and her work studying chewing forces, using pigs as models, appears in the Oct. 29 issue of Science magazine. The profile, written by Elizabeth Pennisi, is at http://sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/306/5697/804

Award for outreach
Julianne Collier, manager of the Outreach Program in Health Sciences/UW Medicine News and Community Relations, received a Premier Performance award in the Public Relations category at the annual American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) meeting last week in Boston. The outreach program includes tours for high school students, the Mini-Med School, television programs, and a monthly lunchtime presentation for employees, as well as special events. The UW Medicine Dean’s Report and a media campaign supporting biomedical research received Awards of Distinction. All of these were presented by the AAMC’s Group on Institutional Advancement.