UW News

December 2, 2004

UW Police offer Citizens Academy

The UW Police Department will be offering a free 10-week Citizen’s Academy beginning Jan. 5, 2005. The series of classes will meet from 3 to 5 p.m. every Wednesday for 10 weeks in the Fishery Sciences Building.

Any member of the campus community who wants to learn more about law enforcement is eligible to participate. The class will cover arrest, search and seizure, defensive tactics, lethal weapons, high speed chases, high-risk stops, and shoot-don’t shoot situations, just to name a few of the topics.

There are no special requirements for taking the course, but the UWPD will screen each candidate and reserves the right to refuse a candidate. To apply, contact Mel Perez at 206-543-9338 or melp@u.washington.edu. The application deadline is Dec. 22.