UW News

May 12, 2005

Voice Theatre to perform recitation in Japanese May 26

The Voice Theatre of Japan, which attempts to create “auspicious interactions between skillful narrative and careful listening” by exploring the potential of recitation, will have a special performance from 6 to 8 p.m. May 26 in 201 Gowen.

Over the past five years, Voice Theatre has performed in various locales throughout Japan, as well as overseas. It comprises reciters and actors who collaborate with Professor Kanai Keiko of Waseda University, the troupe’s central performer. Kanai is a visiting scholar for Spring Quarter at the UW’s Department of Asian Languages and Literature.

The program will include Brother by Koda Aya, and Paradise in the Sea of Sorrow by Ishimure Michiko. For more information, see http://depts.washington.edu/asianll.