UW News

May 19, 2005

A new way to give: UW community can earmark donations for student support

News and Information

The UW has announced a Faculty-Staff-Retiree “Campaign for Students,” designed to enhance fellowship and scholarship support for undergraduate, graduate and professional students.

“Students are the heart of this institution, faculty and staff the spirit,” says Alvin Kwiram, professor of chemistry and vice provost for research emeritus. “What better way to enhance the value and legacy of both than through student fellowships that honor our distinguished faculty and staff?”

The campaign will allow gifts that are earmarked for student support to receive University matching funds up to $10,000. Endowments may be named for any person the donor wishes to honor. The minimum contribution to establish an endowment is $5,000, which must be paid over no more than five years.

Donors can decide to support undergraduate, graduate or professional students; they may designate a particular campus, school, college, department or program of study for support. Gifts may be used to assist in the recruitment of exceptional students. They also may provide ongoing support to current students, and provide travel or research funds.

For Thomas Gething, acting director of the Southeast Asia Studies Center in the Jackson School, “The decision to establish a fellowship to recognize an excellent graduate student focusing his or her studies on Southeast Asia was an easy one.

“I’ve spent most of my career teaching Southeast Asian languages and when I haven’t been in the classroom I’ve filled administrative positions that frequently involved student services of one kind or another. As a result I have seen many outstanding students for whom financial concerns have been a distraction. The opportunity to create a fellowship for such students is one that my wife and I didn’t want to pass up. And the matching support to make the award more significant was the deal clincher for me.”

Brenda Bor was motivated by the opportunity to have her gift matched, and also to create a legacy in honor of her late husband. The Daniel Bor Memorial Fund will support graduate students in nephrology. “UW Medicine was a significant part of our life during Dan’s illness and we found comfort in knowing he was being treated by some of the best and the brightest doctors in the country. Supporting fellowships in dialysis and hypertension research will be our way of giving back. Also, this gift strengthens my commitment to UW Medicine and provides greater perspective to my work.” Bor is assistant director for foundation and corporate relations in UW Medicine Development.

Endowed funds can be used to support specific activities that are outside students’ normal course of study. For example, many graduate students and some undergraduates wish to present research papers at professional conferences but may not be able to afford the travel costs or meeting fees.

“Such conferences are important to students,” Kwiram says, “not just for their own professional development. It is an opportunity to interact with current colleagues and future colleagues at an entirely different level. For some, it is a peak experience.”

Faculty and staff will receive a mailing about the campaign in late May.

For more information contact Laurie Houck, executive director of campaign operations, 206-616-6914, or e-mail her at laurieh@u.washington.edu.