UW News

June 23, 2005

UW Medical Center begins remodel project

Construction barriers are going up this week in preparation for the year-long project to remodel the main UW Medical Center lobby and clinic areas on the third floor.

The work will include new quarters for the Regional Heart Center just off the main lobby, new flooring for the lobby, redecoration of the waiting areas, and new furniture. The flooring and redecoration will look much like what is now in the new Surgery Pavilion, completed two years ago.

Among the most noticable changes will be replacement of the brick flooring in the lobby with a poured terrazzo floor. This work will be done in sections and is scheduled to begin next week.

The main UW Medical Center entrance is scheduled to close for approximately three weeks beginning June 25. There will be detour signs for a nearby temporary main entrance near the Gift Shop. A temporary Information Desk will be set up inside the new entry. The smoking area for patients, now located near that door, will move to the second floor terrace outside the Cascade elevator lobby.

Several services important to patients, such as Financial Counseling, the Cashier’s Office and the Blood Draw, will be moving during the construction period. Financial Counseling and the Cashier will be in the third-floor hallway BB area. Blood Draw will be moving into the Surgery Pavilion.

Later this summer, the Espresso Bar near the Gift Shop will close, to reopen later along the east side of the Muilenburg Tower. In the meantime, coffee drinks and snacks are available from the Espresso Bar on the first floor of the Surgery Pavilion and the Espresso Bar near the Plaza Café. The Surgery Pavilion’s Tea Room will remain open.

For detailed information on the project, see the information at http://www.uwmedicalcenter.org