UW News

October 13, 2005

M.J. Fox Foundation supports search for biomarkers

Dr. Jing Zhang, assistant professor of pathology and ophthalmology, has received a $625,000 grant from the Michael J. Fox Foundation for research related to Parkinson’s disease.

The work is aimed at identifying biomarkers in human spinal fluid that could be used to diagnose Parkinson’s disease or monitor its progression.

Zhang is working with Dr. Tom Montine, professor of pathology, on an overall effort to find biomarkers for many major neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and certain types of dementia.

In the work supported by the M.J. Fox Foundation, Zhang will analyze protein profiles in spinal fluid from patients with various stages of Parkinson’s disease.

These will be compared with proteins in age-matched control subjects, and also with proteins from patients with other neurodegenative diseases.

He is using several advanced techniques to focus on particular proteins.

Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland are also participating in the study.