UW News

November 10, 2005

Combined Fund Drive

Editor’s Note: Through the Combined Fund Drive, which runs until Nov. 23, and into December, University Week will feature University employees who volunteer their time and talents at CFD agencies.

Name: Rebecca Wood

UW Job: Program manager for the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner training grant in the Department of Psychosocial & Community Health (School of Nursing). Also, Psychiatric Mental Health Advance Practice Clinical Placement Coordinator.

Volunteer Activity: Pike Market Senior Center / Downtown Food Bank.

Organization’s mission: To serve the basic needs of the low-income population in the Pike Place Market and downtown neighborhood. The Pike Market Senior Center provides a wonderful array of services for low-income older adults and the Downtown Food Bank provides food and services to low-income and homeless people of all ages.

How long a volunteer at this agency?: Six and a half years.

Why these activities? Admittedly, my husband, Bruce, is the Executive Director, so I have a personal connection to this organization. But I also have a passion for working with older adults. And my social work background leads me to want to support organizations that have a “social justice mission.”

The organization works with folks who are low-income, homeless or just under-employed. They reach out to people who are often marginalized and they try to raise awareness around injustices that exist in our society and here in Seattle — social isolation, inadequate nutrition, lack of affordable housing, etc.

Memorable experiences while volunteering: My favorite things to volunteer for are serving lunch to seniors on Thanksgiving and participating in the organization’s biggest annual fundraiser, “The Great Figgy Pudding Street Corner Caroling Competition!”

The latter is an annual competition among more than 40 caroling teams to raise funds in support of the senior center/food bank. It’s a lot of fun and is super-festive. Several UW teams have participated. (See http://www.pikemarketseniorcenter.org/.).

Satisfaction in volunteering: I love to give my time because I know it’s needed. Many nonprofit organizations are struggling from year to year, writing grants and fundraising, and they never know what shape they’ll be in. They benefit so greatly from people’s talents and time. Also, there’s nothing better than serving a Thanksgiving meal to someone who is truly thankful, who doesn’t take that hot meal for granted, like so many of us do.

I feel absolutely privileged to be a part of their lives, even for one afternoon or holiday meal — and you know, it’s just good for the soul!