UW News

December 1, 2005

Combined Fund Drive

Editor’s note: Throughout the Combined Fund Drive, which runs through Dec. 20, University Week will feature University employees who volunteer their time and talents at CFD agencies.

Name: Salene Wu

UW Job: Research Coordinator, Division of Rheumatology.

Volunteer Activity: I answer the phone for the King County Crisis Line.

Organization’s mission: This is actually the mission statement for the entire Crisis Clinic. “Our passion is caring and listening — empowering people to make positive life changes. We do this through connections between people and critical resources.”

How long a volunteer there? Eight months.

Why this activity? I want to become a clinical psychologist and I was interested in counseling delivered over the phone, so I looked into volunteering at the Crisis Line. I could help people without needing a lot of education and training and, after working in research for a while, I felt too far removed from helping people and wanted to help people more directly.

A memorable experience: Unfortunately, I can’t describe a specific call, but frequently I have gotten off the phone with a caller and really felt like I made a difference. It’s really powerful to see how simply listening and being empathic for a few minutes can help someone who is so emotionally distraught.

Satisfaction in volunteering?

Seeing that I can make a difference in someone’s life when it seems like there is nothing else they can do or no one else to turn to. I’ve gained so much valuable experience learning how to deal with people (in general as well as when they are distraught) that I am so glad I decided to volunteer there.

If anyone is interested in volunteering, the Crisis Line has an e-mail address that queries from prospective volunteers can be directed to: volunteerservices@crisisclinic.org.