UW News

December 1, 2005

Police offer Citizen’s Academy

If you are interested in learning more about the UW Police Department and our community, you can sign up for a free 10-week Citizen’s Academy.

The academy is designed to inform participants about:

  • Community and police relationships
  • Arrest, search and seizure and defensive tactics
  • Lethal weapons
  • High speed chases
  • High risk stops
  • Shoot-don’t shoot decisions
  • Community-oriented policing
  • K-9 patrol dogs

The academy will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. on Wednesdays from Jan. 11 until March 15, 2006, in the Fishery Sciences Building across from the police station.

Enrollment is open to students, faculty, staff and citizens in the community. To apply, contact the crime prevention officers at 206-543-9338 or stewart5@u.washington.edu or leshoa@u.washington.edu. You will be sent an application.

There are no special requirements for taking the course, but UWPD will screen each candidate and reserves the right to refuse any candidate.

Students have the option of using the course as a two-credit independent study. Application deadline is Jan. 3, 2006.