UW News

February 9, 2006

Vision statement available for comment

A draft vision statement for the UW is available for comment online at https://catalysttools.washington.edu/tools/survey/?sid=17860&owner=cauce .

In addition, there are three other statements that complement the vision statement: one that enumerates “core values” to guide the university’s actions, an “imagine” statement that illustrates possible outcomes of the vision, and a “uniquely Washington” statement that attaches the vision to a particular geography and culture. In addition, you are asked to comment on University-wide initiatives for the coming years.

The draft statements have been reviewed by a number of faculty and staff assembled in focus groups.

“Now is your opportunity to tell us what you think,” says Phyllis Wise, provost and vice president for academic affairs.

The final statements, which will incorporate your suggestions, will appear in an upcoming issue of University Week.

Comments should be submitted by Feb. 24.