UW News

March 9, 2006

UW Police Offer Citizens’ Academy

UW faculty, staff and students interested in learning more about the UW Police Department are invited to apply for the UW Police Citizens’ Academy.

The Citizens’ Academy is a free, 10-week course that will cover such matters as community and police relationships, arrest and search-seizure, defensive tactics, lethal weapons, high speed chases, high risk stops, shoot-don’t shoot decisions, community oriented policing and K-9 patrol dogs. Classes will meet from 3 to 5 p.m. every Wednesday from April 5 to June 7 in 203 Fishery Science Building.

Anyone interested in the program should e-mail the crime prevention officers, stewart5@u.washington.edu or leshoa@u.washington.edu, and request an application. The application deadline is April 4.