UW News

June 1, 2006

SLUGs put up posters, host stem cell lecture

The South Lake Union Group (SLUG), formed by fellows and scientists at the UW Medicine South Lake Union research hub, plans a poster show of work done recently in labs at that location and a presentation on “The Current State of Stem-Cell Research and Ethical Issues” by Dr. Charles Murry, UW professor of pathology. Everyone is welcome.

The event will be from 1 to 5 p.m., Thursday, June 8, in the building and auditorium at 815 Mercer St. Poster viewing will be from 1 to 2 p.m., the presentation by Murry at 2 p.m. and then more poster viewing with refreshments from 3 to 5 p.m.

Posters will be from graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at the UW, Benaroya Research Institute and the Seattle Biotechnology Research Institute. Topics cover a wide range of biomedical research being conducted at the South Lake Union location and beyond.

The SLUGs have formed their group to encourage scientific interaction at the new research hub and with other institutions in the area. Contact Sean Kassim at seanyk@u.washington.edu to learn more or participate in SLUG activities.