UW News

November 30, 2006

Combined Fund Drive volunteer: Transplanted caring

Name: Tami Sadusky

UW job: Director, Grant and Contract Accounting

Volunteer activity: I volunteer for Project Life, which is the volunteer program serving LifeCenter Northwest and the Living Legacy Foundation. This group of volunteers includes donor family members, transplant recipients, patients on the waiting list and living donors.

Organization’s mission: LifeCenter Northwest’s mission is to give individuals the opportunity to save lives through organ and tissue donation. LifeCenter saves lives by facilitating the recovery, preservation and allocation of organs in Washington, Montana, Alaska and Northern Idaho. The Living Legacy Program is part of LifeCenter Northwest and its mission is to fund education and outreach programs, increase the number of people who register their wish to be organ and tissue donors and eliminate barriers to donation.

How long a volunteer for this agency? I have volunteered for LifeCenter Northwest and the Living Legacy Foundation for almost eight years.

Why these activities? I was given a second chance at life 13 years ago when I received a kidney and pancreas transplant at the UWMC. By volunteering for LifeCenter Northwest I can help others in the same situation I was in prior to my transplant. I cannot think of a better way to spend time than to assist in saving the lives of others.

A memorable experience while volunteering: One day I was helping at a health fair at the LifeCenter Northwest booth. A little girl was watching me from a distance and finally walked over to me and asked, “Do you really have other people’s stuff inside you? What stuff is it and how did they fit it all in you?”

I explained to her how a very generous person who had passed away had donated their kidney and pancreas to me and I showed her where they were inside me. She could not believe it. Sometimes I can hardly believe it myself and realize how fortunate I am.

Satisfaction in volunteering: Knowing that I can help make a significant change in the lives of many people.