UW News

November 30, 2006

Purchasing changes outside order policy

Beginning Jan. 1, 2007, University Stores will no longer place orders with outside suppliers on behalf of campus customers, including orders submitted through eProcurement as a “non-catalog item.” Instead, customers who want to order from suppliers outside of University Stores and eProcurement should place those orders directly using a purchase order or ProCard.

The change is being made in part because eProcurement provides easy access to a growing number of vendors. “We have recently added several new vendor catalogs to eProcurement, and will continue to add more,” said Laurie Hunt, interim associate director for technology with Purchasing and Stores. “The eProcurement catalogs are based on contracts that provide very favorable pricing and service for the University.”

Walk-in counter pick-ups for items stocked in University Stores locations will still be available. The process for ordering compressed gas will not change at this time.

For more information on placing orders using UW eProcurement or for free hands-on training, go to http://www.washington.edu/admin/stores/eprocurement. The eP Help Desk phone is 206-685-3558, and the eP customer service e-mail is eprocure@u.washington.edu

For general assistance, including product identification, returns and order tracking, call the client service team at 206-543-1980.