UW News

January 11, 2007

Purchasing passes audit by government

The UW Purchasing Department has passed its latest audit by the federal government with flying colors, and has been approved for another three years.

The audit isn’t the result of wrongdoing, explained Aleksey Belov, policy and client outreach manager for Purchasing. Rather, it is a regular audit that takes place every three years because the UW receives more than $800 million in federal grants and contracts.

Officially called a Contractor Procurement System Review, the audit is conducted by the Office of Naval Research. Auditors look for:

  • Adequate controls to ensure that federal funds are spent responsibly
  • Fair and open competitive procurement processes
  • Adherence to mandatory procurement rules and regulations
  • Opportunities for small, disadvantaged businesses

Having a federally approved purchasing system enhances the University’s ability to obtain federal grants and contracts, Belov said. An approved purchasing system means that the UW is in compliance with federal procurement statutes, applicable state laws, and internal purchasing policies and procedures.

Other positive impacts of passing the audit include:

  • Assures federal agencies and federal contractors who award grants and contracts that the UW is a responsible awardee
  • Demonstrates that the UW is providing opportunities for small, disadvantaged businesses
  • Validates that UW Purchasing provides its clients with the best value for the right product, while maintaining required level of competition and adherence to all rules and regulations — guarding its clients from any negative repercussions that could be caused by non-compliance.