UW News

February 8, 2007

UW leaders invited to values seminar

Leaders at all levels of the UW are invited to attend a seminar, “Creating a Values-Based Culture: The Role of Leaders at the University,” from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 28.

Terry Macaluso, a renowned philosopher in the areas of leadership and decision making and a professor at the Evans School of Public Affairs, will be facilitating the discussion as participants use case studies to wrestle with the complexities and contradictions inherent in values-based leadership. A group of UW Regents will be present to share their personal experience and perspectives

The University has recently adopted six core values that were identified by the Leadership Community and Values Initiative — respect, diversity, collaboration, innovation, excellence and integrity. Participants in this seminar will have the opportunity to engage in small-group and facilitated discussions about the six values and their implications for them as leaders at the University and as members of the community.

The seminar fee is $100, including lunch; register online at http://www.washington.edu/admin/hr/pod/catalog/gen/1/V0120.html