UW News

February 15, 2007

Keck Microscopy Facility to host open house Feb. 23

The Keck Microscopy Facility will hold an open house, Friday, Feb. 23, from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. in K-507, Health Sciences Center. The facility provides training and access to state-of-the art light microscopy instrumentation for the entire UW community.

Visitors to the open house will have a chance to learn about instrumentation and imaging techniques that can be used to advance research, including multi-dimensional, multi-color fluorescent imaging and live-cell imaging. Instrumentation training and advice on advanced applications will also be available.

In the past two years, new microscopes worth more than $1 million have been added to the Keck Microscopy Facility, including laser scanning confocal microscopes, image restoration (deconvolution) microscopes and systems for live-cell imaging. Also available are standard wide-field microscopes, a 2-photon microsope, image analysis computers and software. Nikon’s newest inverted microscope will also be demonstrated.

For more information visit, http://depts.washington.edu/keck/  or contact Greg Martin at 206-685-8784 or gvm@u.washington.edu.