UW News

April 19, 2007

Iraqi casualty research lecture April 20

Dr. Riyadh Lafta, a professor at Al-Mustansiriya College of Medicine in Baghdad, will discuss Iraqi casualty count research via a simultaneous interactive video link at 7 p.m., Friday, April 20 in UW Kane Hall. He will be speaking from the Wosk Center for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University, 580 Hastings St., Vancouver, BC. The public is invited to attend the lecture at either location.

Lafta is collaborating with UW researchers to document elevated levels of pediatric cancers in Basra, Iraq. The project was conceived as part of a sister university relationship developed after the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. The research project is supported by a grant from the Puget Sound Partners and a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation initiative.

For more information about the lecture or the research, contact Amy Hagopian, assistant professor in the UW School of Public Health and Community Medicine, at hagopian@u.washington.edu  or 206-616-4989. Or, contact Ian Maki, program manager of the Community Health Advancement Program in the Department of Family Medicine at ianmaki@u.washington.edu  or 206-543-6020.