UW News

May 3, 2007

Governor Gregoire signs health legislation at UW Medical Center

The UW Medical Center (UWMC) hosted Governor Christine Gregoire May 2, when she signed into law a broad array of health care legislation. Joining the Governor in the UWMC Surgery Pavilion were a number of state legislators, UWMC physicians nurses, and health care staff who witnessed her sign the bills into law.

Lisa Brandenburg, interim executive director of the UW Medical Center, welcomed the group and also introduced former Washington State Senator Pat Thibaudeau, co-chair of the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Health Care Costs and Access.

The House and Senate bills the Governor signed into law will help provide more affordable, high quality health care to Washingtonians, open up more access to the health care system, and improve health education in Washington schools.

As one of this nation’s top teaching hospitals, UW Medical Center is the leading provider of highly specialized patient care and consulting services to physicians in the five-state region known as WWAMI–Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho.