UW News

May 17, 2007

Upcoming events explore screen time, workplace health, violent death

Smart Screen Summit May 18

The Washington State Smart Screen Time Summit takes place Friday, May 18, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Doubletree Hotel-Seattle Airport, 18740 International Blvd.

The summit will review the latest research findings about the impact of screen time in childhood and showcase current efforts in Washington state to promote sensible use of TV, videos, DVDs, video games and other screen activities. The goal is to provide a forum for clinicians, child care providers, educators, researchers, public health professionals, and policymakers to develop a comprehensive and coordinated approach to smart screen use by children.

Featured speakers include Dimitri Christakis, professor of pediatrics and co-director of the UW Child Health Institute; Donna Johnson, associate professor of health services and associate director of the UW Center for Public Health Nutrition; and Adam Drewnowski, professor of epidemiology and medicine and director of the Nutritional Science Program. The UW Exploratory Center for Obesity Research, part of the Nutritional Science Program, is a sponsor of the event.For more information, visit the center’s Web site at www.uwecor.org.

Workplace health

Dr. Jeffrey Harris, director of Health Promotion Research Center and professor of health services, will present Beyond Workplace Health Promotion Programs: Improving Health via a Comprehensive Approach, from 3:30 to 4:50 p.m., Monday, May 21. This Spring Quarter 2007 Distinguished Faculty Lecture, sponsored by the Dean’s Office of the School of Public Health and Community Medicine takes place in T-639 Health Sciences Center. A reception follows the lecture. For more information, contact James Fesalbon at jfesal@u.washington.edu or 206-543-1144.

Conference on violent death

The UW School of Social Work is hosting a two-day conference, “Community-Based Support after Violent Death – National and International Collaboration,” May 25 and 26 in the school’s commons, room 305.

The conference will feature national and international mental health clinicians and researchers who are developing collaborative training and service models for community- based support after violent death. Clinician/researchers from Palestine and Israel will also describe their recent collaboration in developing community-based protocols for outreach, support, intervention and shared research protocols in their respective communities.

Conference co-sponsors are the School of Social Work, UW Institute on Trauma and Interpersonal Violence, UW Middle East Center, and Virginia Mason Medical Center Separation and Loss Service.

Conference fees, $120 for both days, will be donated to the Spitzer Peace Exchange Fund, a UW School of Social Work program that supports activities to increase intellectual dialogues and interventions aimed at peace and conflict resolution around the globe. To register or to find out more about the program, visit http://depts.washington.edu/sswweb/trauma_conf.