UW News

September 27, 2007

58th Annual Strauss Lecture set for Sept. 28

John Hunter, Mackenzie professor and chair of the Department of Surgery, Oregon Health and Science University, will present the 58th Annual Strauss Lecture at 4 p.m., Friday, Sept. 28. The lecture will take place in Hogness Auditorium in the Health Sciences Center.

Hunter’s topic is Chasing Quality: Our Search for the Holy Grail The pursuit of excellence in medicine and surgery requires the measurement of quality. The efforts that exist today are a little like the story of the blind men describing the elephant by touch. Nonetheless, measures of process quality are beginning to drive health care reimbursement. It is not clear where this quest is leading us and who should do the driving, but physicians are committed to speaking with uniform clarity for the benefit of their patients.

Prior to Hunter’s lecture, Surgeons and Innovators Panel Discussion, will be held from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in Hogness Auditorium. Panelists will explore the process by which ideas from surgeon inventors are converted into tangible products and services that serve patients, inventors, universities, and society, moving an idea from concept to clinic. Panelists are Thomas Russell, executive director, American College of Surgeons; Thomas Fogerty, clinical professor of surgery, Stanford University; and Bruce Gingles, vice president of Cook, Inc. The panel discussion is sponsored by Cook Inc.