UW News

September 27, 2007

Brooklyn Building being vacated

It’s the last call for Brooklyn, the UW office building, that is.

The UW is moving all Brooklyn Building offices, along with the 70 people who work in them, most to temporary offices on campus and elsewhere.

The structure, on the southwest corner of NE 41st Street and Brooklyn Avenue in the University District, is worn out. Building repairs aren’t financially worthwhile say University planners.

Moving begins Friday, Sept. 28 and continues through Sunday, Sept. 30, said Colleen Pike, director of capital and space planning for the University.

Most Brooklyn employees work for Human Resources, and the majority will move to Bloedel Hall, off NE Pacific Street, across from the UW Medical Center.

However, Disability Services is moving to the Staff Human Resources Building, and Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action is moving into the Allen Library building. Most of these moves are temporary, pending University moves to UW Tower beginning in January, which will free space on campus.

Built sometime before 1927, the three-story, wood and masonry Brooklyn Building covers approximately 23,000 square feet. It will be demolished, but the date hasn’t yet been determined; maybe early next year, Pike said.

She has asked Capital Projects to determine the feasibility of also demolishing five small houses, totaling 8,300 square feet, on 12th Avenue NE between 40th and 41st streets. Constructed between 1925 and 1932, the houses are used by various University units; but if demolition is approved, Capital and Space Planning will help occupants locate alternative offices.

Future use of the land hasn’t been decided, but it might become a site for student housing, Pike said.