UW News

October 4, 2007

Staff sought for adjudication panel

UW staff are being sought to serve on the University Faculty Adjudication Panel. The panel is a means to resolve disputes involving faculty, or faculty and staff, with procedures established by the faculty and set out in Chapter 28 of the Faculty Code. The faculty, in a 1994 revision to the code, added six staff and six students to the panel. When disputes under the panel’s jurisdiction arise that involve non-academic staff, the dispute is heard by a sub-panel of five faculty and two staff.

UW staff members interested in serving on the University Faculty Adjudication Panel are asked to submit an application to Human Resources. Six staff appointments will be made for positions to begin fall quarter. Panel members will be selected by Human Resources from self-nominations and from those submitted by the Professional Staff Organization and classified staff employee unions. Staff appointees will serve staggered terms of one, two or three years for the purpose of continuity. The appointments must be confirmed by the Faculty Senate.

Criteria for staff nominees, established by Human Resources and the Faculty Senate, are:

  • Ability to evaluate issues objectively, articulate that analysis and advocate for that position 
  • Experience in considering issues and attempting to reach consensus through group process
  • Interest, time and energy to serve on what may be a time-consuming assignment
  • Sensitivity to issues of diversity
  • At least three years of experience on staff at the UW and the ability to commit to serve or a three-year term.

Those interested in nominating themselves for appointment to the University Faculty Adjudication Panel should contact Liz Mason, assistant to the vice president for human resources, e-mail: emason@u.washington.edu to obtain a nomination form. Deadline for submissions is Oct. 19.