UW News

December 6, 2007

Birds of Yellowstone lecture at the Burke Dec. 8

On Saturday, Dec. 8, the Burke Museum presents Terry McEneaney, staff ornithologist of Yellowstone National Park for over 20 years, who will share his insights into the complexities of bird conservation in Yellowstone National Park. Illustrated with his own stunning photographs, and illuminated by his extensive knowledge of Yellowstone birds, this lecture offers both backyard birders and dedicated twitchers a fascinating look at bird ecology in America’s premier National Park.

Prior to his current position at Yellowstone, McEneaney was biologist at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. He has 39 years of experience in the Greater Yellowstone area and is a member of both the Montana Bird Records Committee (MBRC) and the Wyoming Bird Records Committee. An accomplished author, his books include The Uncommon Loon and Birding Montana. He has also written numerous scientific and popular articles appearing in magazines such as National Geographic and Smithsonian and been a field consultant and cinematographer guide for Nature, the BBC, the National Geographic Society, and Audubon.

Birds of Yellowstone Park is free with paid admission to the Burke. The lecture, which will be at 1 p.m., is presented in association with the Burke Museum’s wildlife photography exhibit Yellowstone to Yukon: Freedom to Roam, on view through Dec. 31.