UW News

December 6, 2007

ETC.: campus news & notes

TYPE IT UP: Karen Cheng, UW associate professor of design in the School of Art, has entered a competition sponsored by the Linotype company, which markets and licenses fonts for designers and typographers. It’s a poster competition called “Helvetica Now,” created to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Helvetica typeface. More than 1,400 posters were received and first-round voting reduced that number to about 200 contenders, including Cheng’s poster. The competition is now in its second round of voting, which will last through tomorrow, Dec. 7. You can view all the posters, beginning with hers, <a href=http://www.linotype.com/voting/helvetica/index.php?action=showUpload&upload_id=1853>here</a>. Perhaps you will choose to vote for Cheng.

SOFTENING SOFTWARE: David Notkin, the Frank & Wilma Bradley Chair in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, has been elected a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Notkin was recognized for his contributions to software engineering and software evolution research — in his words, “understanding why software is so hard and expensive to change, and in turn reducing those difficulties and costs.” The 2008 IEEE fellows become official on Jan. 1.

A SOUND SOUND: Jan Newton, principal oceanographer at the Applied Physics Lab, has been named to the Puget Sound Partnership’s Science Panel. The panel will offer scientific advice on how to restore the sound to health. Newton works on the Hood Canal Dissolved Oxygen Program, under which she is developing a computer model to explain why oxygen in Hood Canal can drop to deadly levels.

AUTOGRAPH THIS: Bruce Taylor, a mental health specialist in psychiatry at Harborview, will be signing and reading from his new book, Edward: Dancing on the Edge of Infinity at 7 p.m. Dec. 14 at Balderdash Books, 8536 Greenwood Ave. N. Seattle. For more information contact Taylor at 206-323-5483.

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