UW News

January 24, 2008

Then and Now: U-PASS a great value since 1991 debut

This school year, University Week, the UW campus newspaper for faculty and staff, turns 25. To note the occasion, throughout the year we’ll revisit some stories from our past, in no particular chronological order, and then provide a brief update on how things have changed over our quarter-century.

The article, which led the front page of the Oct. 25, 1990, edition of University Week, ran under the headline “Is a U-PASS in your future?” UWeek followed with a special section about the U-PASS program in March of 1991.

“The U-PASS, as currently proposed, is a plan to provide UW commuters with several commuting options at one low price — between $7.50 and $10 a month for faculty and staff,” the article stated. Along with the new pass came a suite of benefits including increased car-pooling options, reduced van-pool fares and the guaranteed ride home program. At the time, one-zone Metro bus passes cost faculty and staff $18 a month, and were set to go up to $22 in early 1991.

“Improved service for less money? How is this possible, you ask,” the article continued. The answer was high campuswide participation, subsidies by the University and the self-sustaining parking system as well as support by pass holders and King County taxpayers.

So, was there a U-PASS in our future? Indeed there was, and the program has flourished nicely since its debut in October of 1991, while keeping costs down.

According to the 2006 U-PASS Annual Report issued by the Transportation Office (the most recent numbers available), participation levels are impressive. A whopping 85 percent of students, 68 percent of faculty and 70 percent of staff had U-PASSES in the fall of 2006.

The U-PASS has cost faculty and staff $61.80 a quarter since 2006. That’s about $20 a month. Student passes are $44 a quarter. Fees for the pass have, by design, increased much less than campus parking fees over the years. There will be an increase for the 2008/2009 school year, but the amount has not yet been decided.

For more information on the U-PASS program or other programs offered by Transportation Services, visit online at http://www.washington.edu/commuterservices/.