UW News

February 14, 2008

SPHCM Winter Quarter Distinguished Faculty Lecture on Feb. 26

Dr. Noah Seixas, UW professor of exposure sciences, will deliver the School of Public Health and Community Medicine’s Winter Quarter Distinguished Faculty Lecture. He will speak on Occupational Exposure Assessment and the Evolution of Work Organization on Tuesday, Feb. 26, at 3:30 p.m. in T-625, Health Sciences Center.

In 1993, Seixas was appointed assistant professor at the UW, where he developed a teaching and research program on exposure assessment techniques in relation to epidemiologic studies. He also serves as director of the Northwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety. His research activities have included studies on silica exposure, irritant exposures in aluminum smelting, and organic dust exposures. Over the past eight years, Seixas has studied noise exposure in the construction industry. In addition to ongoing studies in construction, he has developed an interest in injury prevention and is currently working on risks in “precarious employment,” including day laborers.

Seixas is professor of exposure sciences in the School’s Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences. He received a master’s degree in industrial hygiene at Harvard School of Public Health. He earned his doctorate in industrial health from the University of Michigan. For more information, contact Holly Weese at hweese@u.washington.edu  or 206-685-6643.