UW News

May 1, 2008

Better benefits: A few enhancements from WorkLife

For UW employees who need a little help, the services UW WorkLife Office, part of Human Resources, can come in handy. And some of these benefits have recently been increased, says Randi Shapiro, WorkLife’s assistant director.

One enhancement is the increase in the number of sessions with a counselor provided through UW CareLink — from three to five. And that’s sessions per “issue.” Shapiro said, “People can access the program as issues surface throughout the year.”

UW CareLink also offers referrals for legal and financial consultations over the telephone and a host of online support services through APS Helplink.

WorkLife’s child care resources have been enhanced, too, Shapiro said. Now, when UW faculty, staff or students are looking for child care, they have free access to a specialist at Child Care Resources, who will be available to do vacancy searches.

To learn more, visit UW WorkLife online at http://www.washington.edu/admin/hr/benefits/.