UW News

May 1, 2008

Refugee advocate to speak May 15

Judy Mayotte, author of Disposable People? The Plight of Refugees, will be at the UW to share her experiences in a talk titled History of Modern Civilization: Building a New World Through Reconstruction and Reconciliation, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Thursday, May 15, in 134 Sieg.

Mayotte has worked to document the lives and conditions of refugees in camps for the Cambodians in Thailand and Cambodia, the Eritreans and internally displaced southern Sudanese in Sudan, and the Afghans in Pakistan.

Her fieldwork and research contributions have been recognized and honored by universities and organizations across the country. She has received an Emmy, a Peabody Award, honorary doctorates, and numerous humanitarian and merit awards.

Mayotte currently serves on the Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation Board and Operating Committee, in connection with the Desmond Tutu Peace Centre and Leadership Academy in Cape Town, South Africa. She also serves on the boards of the Visionaries Institute of Suffolk University and the Global Ethics and Religion Forum.

The event, which is sponsored by the UW Women’s Center, is free but registration is requested. Call 206-685-1090.