UW News

June 26, 2008

Etc: Campus News and Notes

FALCON CREST: Employees in Creative Communications have enjoyed watching a family of peregrine falcons that is hunting from and feeding its young on the roof of their building lately. Dan Druliner, manager of Web and interactive content, reports, “Several times over the course of the last few days I’ve seen [the adult birds] flying up to the roof of the building with pigeons and other smaller birds in their talons while their offspring trailed behind screeching for their share.” Druliner took some photos out the window of his office and shared one with University Week (see right).

The birds are banded, leading Druliner to assume they are among those being followed by the Falcon Research Group, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the support of field research, public education and the conservation of raptors. For more information about the group and its work, go to http://www.frg.org/.

COMMUNICATION HONOR: Philip N. Howard, assistant professor of communication, was selected by the International Communication Association to receive its 2008 Outstanding Book Award for his publication, New Media Campaigns and the Managed Citizen (Cambridge University Press, 2006). The award recognizes an outstanding book published in the past two years. The scholarly contribution of the book, its writing, the reputation of the publisher, and other markers of quality are considered in the selection process.

BEAUTIFUL VIEW: Viewpoints, a publication edited by Jon Marmor and produced by the UW Alumni Association in partnership with the diversity community of the University, has received a second national award — an Award of Distinction in the 2008 Communicator Awards sponsored by the International Academy of the Visual Arts. More than 8,500 entries were received from ad agencies, interactive agencies, production firms, in-house creative professionals, graphic designers, design firms and public relations firms. The Viewpoints award was in the category of Educational Institutions.

PSYCHOLOGY STARS: Students Dana E. Kamara and Nicolle A. Perisho, were co-winners of the 2008 Guthrie Prize in Psychology. Kamara’s paper, “Effects of Intervention on Familiar Face Recognition in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders,” sponsored by Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Research Assistant Professor Sara Webb, was chosen as the best literature review and research proposal. Perisho’s paper, “Behavioral Sex Differences among Captive and Wild Macaques,” sponsored by Psychology Research Professor Randy Kyes, was chosen as best empirical research paper.

FORESTRY FAME: The College of Forest Resources gave out its yearly awards to faculty and staff recently. The college’s information technology team of Chuck Grove, Shane Krause, Brad Coston and Marc Morrison won the Administrative Staff Award, while Sandra Lier, interim director of the UW Botanic Gardens, won the Outreach Staff Award. Ara Erickson and Luke Rogers of the Rural Technology Initiative picked up the Research Staff Award, while John Calhoun, director of the Olympic Natural Resources Center, won the Research Staff Award for Most New Research Dollars.

Winners of the faculty awards were David Ford for teaching, Josh Lawler for research and service and Dan Vogt for student credit-hour production. Dean Bruce Bare’s Exemplary Awards went to Rick Gustafson, a professor; Tom Mentele, director of development and alumni relations; and Larry Mason with the Rural Technology Initiative. The External Colleague Award went to affiliate faculty and National Park Service scientist Regina Rochefort, while the Media/Public Relations Award went to research scientist Kathy Wolf. A new award this year — the leadership award — went to Professor Gordon Bradley.

BOOK BIT: Bruce Taylor, mental health specialist at Harborview, will be selling and autographing his books at Balderdash Books and Art, 8536 Greenwood Ave. North, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, June 28th.