UW News

July 24, 2008

Official Notices

Board of Regents

The Board of Regents regular public meeting, which was scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 21, has been canceled.

Blood Drives

  • Friday, July 25, 10 a.m.–6:30 p.m., Health Sciences Lobby
  • Monday, Aug. 4, 10 a.m.–4 p.m., 108 HUB
  • Tuesday, Aug. 12, 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Health Sciences Lobby
  • Wednesday, Aug. 13, 11 a.m.–5 p.m., Mobile Bus on NE Campus Parkway

Proposals for R&D funding due Oct. 23

Washington businesses working on cutting-edge new technologies can apply for a grant from Washington Technology Center to move their R&D forward. Washington Technology Center awards hundreds of thousands of dollars to Washington-based research teams in an effort to help transition great ideas out of the laboratory and into the marketplace.

Washington Technology Center allocates around $1 million annually to the Research & Technology Development (RTD) grants program, which awards funding on a competitive basis to collaborative research teams working on innovative technology projects with near-term commercial viability. This funding can pay up to 80 percent of the cost of research projects — allowing companies to channel their capital to other business growth needs. Project teams are eligible to receive up to $100,000 for initial proof-of-concept projects and up to $300,000 total for multi-phase projects.

RTD grants are applicable to a wide-range of technologies and both start-up ventures and established companies looking to trial and market a new technology are eligible for the awards. However, preference is given to smaller companies, those with 250 or fewer employees.

Washington Technology Center’s RTD funding helps Washington companies grow faster, create jobs and attract investors by providing that critical funding needed to advance scientific research and product development. Since 1995, the Washington Technology Center has awarded more than 300 grants through the RTD program. Past recipients include Real Networks, EKOS, Microvision, Siemens Medical Systems, RS Medical and Tree Top. RTD-affiliated companies have partnered with world-class researchers from the University of Washington, Washington State University, Gonzaga University, and Western, Central and Eastern Washington Universities, and Swedish Medical Center.

Free information sessions are offered throughout the year. To reserve a space in one of these sessions, please contact RTD Project Manager, Russell Paez, 206-616-3102, email rpaez@watechcenter.org.

How to Apply

To be considered for the next round of grants, interested parties should complete a Notice of Intent form by Sept. 18. Applications are due on Oct. 23. Winners are notified in December and projects begin Jan. 1, 2009. More information and applications materials are available online at http://www.watechcenter.org/re/rtd.

Reference Update

The following UW policies and rules were recently created, adopted, or revised:

1. “Waivers of Tuition and Fees,” amended effective February 22, 2008

(WAC 478-160-163).

2. “Equipment Acquisition Guidelines,” revised effective May 5, 2008 (Administrative Policy Statement 61.3).

3. “Construction Capitalization Policy,” revised effective May 5, 2008 (Administrative Policy Statement 61.8).

4. “University of Washington Public Art Commission,” Executive Order No. 37, revised effective May 21, 2008 (University Handbook, Vol. 4, Part VII, Chapter 8).

5. “Campus Art Policies,” revised effective May 21, 2008 (University Handbook, Vol. 4, Part VII, Chapter 9).

6. “Registration,” revised effective June 23, 2008 (University Handbook, Vol. 4, Part III, Chapter 2).

7. “Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action,” Executive Order No. 31, revised effective June 25, 2008 (University Handbook, Vol. 4, Part I, Chapter 2).

8. “Minimum Data Security Standards: Data Classification and Related Measures of Protection,” effective June 27, 2008 (Administrative Policy Statement 2.10).

9. “Alternative Contracting Process for the University of Washington,” new chapter effective July 17, 2008 (Chapter 478-350 WAC).

For more information on these materials, contact the UW Rules Coordination Office: rules@u.washington.edu.