October 13, 2008
Top UW administrators receive national honors
The UW’s president and provost have both been elected to prestigious national societies.
President Mark Emmert has been elected to the National Academy of Public Administration, a non-profit, independent coalition of top public management and organizational leaders who tackle the nation’s most critical and complex challenges.
Provost Phyllis Wise is one of two UW faculty members who have been elected to the Institute of Medicine, a national resource for independent, scientifically informed analysis and recommendations on human health issues. Wise is professor of biology, physiology, biophysics, obstetrics, and gynecology. Also elected to the Institute was Lawrence Corey, professor of laboratory medicine, medicine, and microbiology and head of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center’s Program in Infectious Diseases.
The election of new members to the Institute of Medicine was announced today, Oct. 13. Membership in the IOM is considered one of the highest honors in the fields of health and medicine and recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding professional achievements and commitment to service. With their election, members make a commitment to give volunteer time to Institute committees that engage in a broad range of studies of health issues.
Before coming to the UW, Wise was dean of the College of Biological Sciences at the University of California at Davis. At the UW, she continues an active research program in issues concerning women´s health and gender-based biology.
Corey, who is head of the UW’s Virology Division, is engaged in research dealing with the pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of HIV and herpes virus infections.. His laboratories have also pioneered novel tests for diagnosing and monitoring therapies for viral infections. Corey is co-director of the Hutchinson’s Vaccine and Infectious Disease Institute, and a member of the Center for Childhood Infections and Prematurity Research at Seattle Children’s Research Institute.
The National Academy of Public Administration’s advice is sought by Congress, state and local governments, academia, and foundations in addressing both short-term and long-term challenges-including budgeting and finance, alternative agency structures, performance measurement, human resources management, information technology, devolution of federal programs, strategic planning, and managing for results.
The Academy’s Fellows include current and former Cabinet officers, members of Congress, governors, mayors, state legislators, diplomats, business executives, local public managers, foundation executives, and scholars. Fellows are selected by current Academy members based on their sustained contribution to the field of public administration through public service or scholarship.
The Academy has five standing panels that provide input to the Academy’s agenda of studies and serve as collegial forums for Fellows to exchange ideas and to interact with experts outside the Academy, including senior government officials.
Emmert received his doctorate in public administration in 1983 from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University. He became president of the UW in 2004, after having served as chancellor of Louisiana State University for five years.
New Fellows will be introduced to the Academy during the 2008 fall meeting, which will take place Nov. 19 to 21 in Washington, DC.