UW News

October 30, 2008

Official Notices

Board of Regents

The Board of Regents will hold a regular public meeting at 3 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20, in the Petersen Room on the 4th floor of the Allen Library.

Friday Harbor Laboratories opportunities for scholarly pursuits

In addition to its role in marine research and education, Friday Harbor Laboratories (FHL) also provides opportunities for UW faculty (and others) to visit and work on scholarly pursuits of any type at its San Juan Island campus:

The Helen Riaboff Whiteley Center, is a study center (phrontistery) for established scholars and artists to study, write, create and interact with collaborators in a peaceful and stimulating environment. Individual studys are provided, and attractive housing is available. Scholars must apply for use of the center and its housing, and applicants can be from any university or organization (or none). The HRWC has more applicants than can be accommodated in the summer months, so requests for space should be placed early.

Web site: http://depts.washington.edu/fhl/Whiteley/index.html  

Friday Harbor Labs Housing, Library and Computer Facilities

FHL makes its housing available to UW faculty for scholarly purposes when FHL space is not in use for its primary research and teaching activities. There are generally few or no openings during March and June-August, but some housing is usually available in other months. Faculty wishing to use FHL facilities pay for housing and, if other services are needed, there is a small user fee. During the busier months, FHL reserves the right to change or cancel reservations if housing is needed for primary functions (May-August). FHL housing is very affordable, especially compared to the alternatives on San Juan Island. See housing rates at Web site: http://depts.washington.edu/fhl/facilities.html.

Reservations are best made weeks to months ahead of time, but we will accept last-minute visitors when space is available (48 hours). Many housing units can accommodate families. Classrooms are also available for small group meetings, and teaching laboratories are available for class field trips.

Contact: hrwctr@u.washington.edu for more information about The Helen Riaboff Whiteley Center or fhlfac@u.washington.edu (or phone 360-378-2165) for reservations or more information about other facilities at the UW Friday Harbor Laboratories.

2009-2010 Faculty Senate Vice Chair Nominations

Nominations for vice chair of the Faculty Senate are being sought. The successful candidate will serve as vice chair during the 2009-2010 academic year, as chair of the Faculty Senate during the 2010-2011 academic year, and as chair of the Senate Committee on Planning and Budgeting during the 2011-2012 academic year. This position requires a two-year, half-time commitment and a one-year committee chair commitment.

To facilitate the performance of these duties, the Office of the Provost provides the elected representative with one and one-half months summer salary and negotiated release time from other departmental duties during the academic year. Other arrangements are possible for those on twelve-month appointments.

The ideal candidate would be an accomplished senior faculty member who has served in leadership roles within the University and who has the breadth of understanding to speak for the Faculty across this large, complex university.

If you are interested or know someone who would be well qualified for the position, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee. Nominations must be received by 5 p.m., Monday, Nov. 17, c/o Nancy Bradshaw, Faculty Senate Office, Box 351271, 206-685-2703, senate@u.washington.edu. The Nominating Committee expects to recommend candidates to the Senate Executive Committee at its Jan. 12 meeting.

Vice Chair Nominating Committee:

Jody Bourgeois; Earth and Space Sciences, bourgeo@u.washington.edu  

Ross Heath, School of Oceanography, rheath@u.washington.edu  

Brad Holt, Chemical Engineering, holt@cheme.washington.edu  

Diane Morrison; School of Social Work, dmm@u.washington.edu  

Blood Drives

Tuesday, Nov. 4, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m., Gray Lounge

Wednesday, Nov. 5, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m., Main Lounge

Institute for Ethnic Studies in the United States invites applications

The Institute for Ethnic Studies in the United States (IESUS) invites applications from UW faculty members who are engaged in or are beginning projects on ethnic issues in the United States. The deadline for applications is Nov. 15. For more information on application guidelines, please see the IESUS Web site at http://depts.washington.edu/iesus, or direct questions to Kelly Koo via e-mail at iesus@u.washington.edu.

UW-Norway Exchange Program

The University of Washington–University of Bergen (and NTNU/Trondheim) Exchange Program invites applications from all fields to spend a quarter (or longer) in residence at one of our partner institutions in Norway.

Application deadline: Dec. 15.

Application available: http://depts.washington.edu/scand/uwbergen/.

Requirement: Faculty/Departmental contact willing to serve as host and provided in the application.

Applications reviewed in Winter Quarter 2009 for study in 2010 and beyond.

Questions? Contact Professor Christine Ingebritsen, 206-543-0675.

University of Washington — University of Ljubljana exchange

The University of Washington — University of Ljubljana Exchange Program invites applications from faculty and senior graduate students to be an academic visitor to the University of Ljubljana, in Slovenia, during the 2009 calendar year. Visitors will give some lectures and will interact with Slovene faculty and students in their field of study. The visit must be completed by the end of 2009. The program has funds to support travel to Slovenia, and the host institution will pay living expenses while there. Two visitors, each staying for a two-week period, can be supported. Applicants should submit their c.v. and a letter explaining the purpose and academic value of the proposed visit. In addition, if the applicant has established any contacts with academics at the University of Ljubljana, the application should mention this. Applicants from previous years who were not selected need only indicate their continued interest in applying this year in a brief e-mail message to Law Professor Louis Wolcher. Deadline for applications: Friday, Nov. 21. Applications, and all questions concerning the program, should be addressed to: Professor Louis Wolcher, Law (campus mailbox 353020); e-mail, wolcher@u.washington.edu.