UW News

November 13, 2008

Check on your work responsibilities during inclement weather

With the change of seasons it’s time to familiarize yourself with the University policies that apply during periods of severe weather, and in the event of a temporary suspension of non-essential operations.

The inclement weather policy is used when the University is in operation, but an individual employee requests time off for unanticipated problems, including commuting challenges related to severe weather conditions.

While the UW never completely shuts down, it occasionally suspends operations due to an emergency or severe weather. The suspended operations policy is used when University officials temporarily suspend operations, requiring only “essential staff’ to report to work.

Approximately 5,000 employees are designated as “essential staff,” which includes personnel at the UW Medical Center, Harborview Medical Center, Hall Health Center, Odegaard Undergraduate Library, the University Police Department, the residence halls, and others. If your department provides “essential services,” please be sure to inform employees of their responsibilities in the event that operations are suspended.

Decisions to suspend operations on the Seattle, Bothell or Tacoma campuses are made independently based on the prevailing conditions in their respective locations. If operations are suspended mid-day (from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), your department’s designated emergency contact (usually a dean or vice president) is responsible for disseminating the information. Employees may also call the UW’s toll-free emergency information line at 1-866-897-4636 or visit UWIN for suspended operations information.

Questions about inclement weather and suspended operations policies can be answered by the Human Resources Office that serves your department.