UW News

November 20, 2008

Etc.: Campus news & notes

CIVIL LIBERTIES CHAMPION: The American Civil Liberties Union of Washington Board of Directors has selected Hubert Locke, dean emeritus of the Evans School of Public Affairs, to receive the 2008 William O. Douglas Award, the organization’s highest honor.

The William O. Douglas Award is given for outstanding, consistent and sustained contributions to civil liberties. Locke is being honored for decades of committed leadership, scholarship and public service in defense of civil rights and human rights. He has published extensively on race relations and civil rights, and has often tackled civil liberties issues in his weekly column in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

Locke has long worked at developing policies to improve police accountability. In the 1960s, he served as a special assistant to Detroit’s Commissioner of Police. Decades later, he worked with citizen panels under mayors Schell and Nickels to examine accountability in Seattle, advocating for high ethical standards for all police officers. Locke has chaired the Washington State Sentencing Guidelines Commission and is a member of the State Commission on Judicial Conduct. He serves on the boards of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency, and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

“Hubert Locke exemplifies leadership in civil liberties and civil rights. He is an inspiration to both students and activists,” said ACLU-WA board president Jesse Wing.

ASIAN WEEKLY HONOREES: When the Northwest Asian Weekly and the Northwest Asian Weekly Foundation honor the “Top Contributors to the Asian Community” on Dec. 5, a group of UW and community members will be included. Called the Long Journey Home Planning Committee, the group arranged for Japanese American students from the World War II era who were unable to complete their studies because of forced internment to receive honorary degrees from the UW. The ceremony, honoring more than 400 former students, took place last spring.

Members of the planning group to be recognized are Diane Adachi, Norman Arkans, Chantal Carrancho, Shay Colson, Ed Escalona, Ellen Eskenazi, Kyle Funakoshi, Tom Griffin, Sara Griggs, Tetsuden Kashima, Beth Kawahara, Charlene Mano, Irene Mano, Tyler Mayeno, Todd Mildon, Stephanie Miller, Theresa Mudrock, Gail Nomura, Julie Ogata, Glenda Pearson, A.C. Petersen, Toni Read, Ken Sato, Yuki Sato, Stephen Sumida, Irene Tanabe, Richard Warner and Jillian Yoshimoto.

Do you know someone who deserves kudos for an outstanding achievement, award, appointment or book publication? If so, send that person’s name, title and achievement to uweek@u.washington.edu.