UW News

December 4, 2008

Health Sciences Events

Center for Interdisciplinary Geriatric Research Lecture Dec. 5

The Center for Interdisciplinary Geriatric Research is hosting a guest presentation, Building Bridges, Instigating Interfaces or Settling for Silos: Interdisciplinary Career Development and Mentoring by Dr. Harold Alan Pincus of Columbia University, from 3 to 4 p.m., Friday, Dec. 5 in Turner Auditorium, D-209 Health Sciences Center.  Pincus is professor and vice chair of the Department of Psychiatry, director of the university’s Institute for Clinical and Translational Research , a director of quality and outcomes research at New York Presbyterian Hospital, and a senior scientist at the RAND Corporation. For more information, visit http://depts.washington.edu/cigr or send an e-mail to cigr@u.washington.edu.


Annual Bonica Lectures Dec. 9 and 10


Dr. Srinivasa Raja, director of the Division of Pain Medicine at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, will give two lectures next week as the Bonica Visiting Professor for the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine. He will speak on Poppies and Pain: The Case of the Swinging Pendulum at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 9, in room T-625 of the Health Sciences Building and on Pain Management in the 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges for Anesthesiology Grand Rounds on Wednesday, Dec. 10, at 6:30 a.m. in room D-209 of the Health Sciences Building.

Bioethics and Humanities Discussion Dec. 17

The Department of Bioethics & Humanities will present an interactive discussion on Biosecurity at the Benchside: Protection, Public Health, and Scientific Progress from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 17, in the Plaza Cafe Conference Room B, UW Medical Center. Since the anthrax attacks of autumn 2001, the potential for dangerous misuse of life science research by individuals intent on bioterrorism, the so-called “dual use” dilemma, has prompted calls for greater oversight of research and publication. Recent cases that have drawn scrutiny include the synthesis of poliovirus and reconstruction of the 1918 flu virus. Are there kinds of biomedical research that should not be pursued? How should we address the inadvertent discovery or creation of increased virulence in the clinical laboratory? What are the ethical and professional responsibilities of scientists engaged in research with dual-use implications? Join this interactive discussion.

First Annual Patient Safety Lecture Dec. 18

UW Medicine presents its first annual Patient Safety Lecture from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., Thursday, Dec. 18, in Turner Auditorium, Health Sciences Center. The lecture, Patients, Families and Clinicians: Struggling with Medical Error, will be given by Dr. Thomas Delbanco, the Richard and Florence Koplow-James Tullis Professor of General Medicine and Primary Care at Harvard Medical School.

Paul Ramsey to address UW Medicine Community Jan. 27

Dr. Paul Ramsey, chief executive officer of UW Medicine, executive vice president for medical affairs, and dean of the School of Medicine, will present his annual address to the UW Medicine community from 4 to 5 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 27,  in Hogness Auditorium, Health Sciences Center. The title of his address is Maintaining Focus in Challenging Times. For more information call 206-543-7718.