March 18, 2009
Media advisory: UW medical students get ‘matched’ with residency programs
WHO: 192 students in the UW School of Medicine will join more than 15,000 other medical students around the country in participating in the National Resident Matching Program
WHAT: Graduating medical students receive sealed envelopes containing information on where they will serve as residents. Family members and friends join in the often-tense but exciting time leading up to the “May I have the envelope, please?” moment.
Students are matched with residency programs around the nation. Some students will be matched with UW-affiliated programs in Seattle or across the region. Following the ceremony, the UW will compile and release details on which specialties graduating students will pursue. Last year, for example, 48 percent went into primary care specialties, including family practice, internal medicine, and pediatrics.
WHEN: Thursday, March 19, 2009 — 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. (matching/results distributed at 9 am — ringing of a gong will signal the start)
WHERE: Main lobby, Warren G. Magnuson Health Sciences Center, 1959 N.E. Pacific Street, Seattle, Wash.
NOTE: Photographs from the event will be made available by close of business, March 18, from UW Medicine/ Health Sciences News, Community Relations & Marketing.
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