UW News

April 2, 2009

Official Notices

Board of Regents

The Board of Regents will hold a regular public meeting at 3 p.m. Thursday, April 16, in the Petersen Room, Allen Library. The meeting may be canceled, circumstances permitting.

Blood drives

  • Monday, April 6, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Bus parked on Stevens Way
  • Wednesday, April 8, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., 108 HUB

Determination of significance and request for comments on scope of Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS)

Project Name: UW Student Housing

Proponent: University of Washington

Description of Proposal: The University of Washington Seattle proposes to provide new student housing facilities to be developed in the West Sector of the campus in two phases. Phase I would entail the development of three new residence hall facilities on Seattle Campus Master Plan (2003) sites, 32W, 33W, 35W and apartment facilities on site 31W. Each of the three residence hall facilities would be approximately five stories of wood frame construction above two stories of concrete construction. The first two floors would be assigned as resident hall program space, retail, academic, or Housing and Food Service office space with some residence space. Site 31W would be five floors of wood framed apartments above two floors of concrete construction with approximately 130-160 parking spaces with some apartments on the second floor. Demolition of the Cavalier Apartment Building (35W) and Ticket Office Buildings (35W) would be necessary. The Brooklyn Building and an adjacent house (32W) are being demolished under a separate review. This project at site 32W would include demolition of four single family residences. Alley vacations are also required as part of the Phase I development and were identified and analyzed in the Seattle Campus Master Plan (2003) and in the supporting environmental documents- September 2001. The Phase I alley vacations are associated with sites 32W and 35W. Phase II would entail the development of two new apartment facilities on Seattle Campus Master plan sites 29W/42W and 30W. Each apartment building would be five stories above a multi-story concrete plinth. Development of Site 29W/42W would be a multi-building facility including approximately 300 below grade parking spaces. Development on site 29W/42 would require the demolition of the existing Mercer Hall.

Location of Proposal: All Projects are located in the West Campus (29W, 30W, 31W, 32W, 33W, 35W and 42W) an area bounded by NE Pacific Street on the South, University Bridge and 11th Avenue NE on the West, NE 41st on the North (except for site 31W which is on the North side of NE 41st between 11th Ave. NW and 12th Avenue NE, and University Way NE on the East). Site 29W/42W is the Mercer Hall Site bounded by NE Pacific Street on the South, University Bridge on West, Cowlitz Road on the North and Adams Place on the East. Site 30W is bounded by NE Campus Parkway on the South, University Bridge on the West, NE 41st Street on the North and 11th Avenue NE on the East. Site 31W is bounded by NE 41st Street on the South. University Bridge and 11th Avenue NE on the West, private property on the North and 12th Avenue NE on the East. Site 32W is bounded by NE Campus Parkway on the South, 12th Avenue NE on the West, NE 41st Street on the North and Brooklyn Avenue NE on the East. Site 33W is bounded by NE Campus Parkway on the South, Brooklyn Avenue NE on the West, NE 41st Street on the North and University Way NE on the East. Site 35W is bounded by NE 40th Street on the South, Brooklyn Avenue NE on the West, NE Campus Parkway on the North and University Way NE on the East.

Lead Agency: University of Washington

The University of Washington has determined this proposal has the potential to have a significant adverse impact on the environment. A Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS*) will be prepared pursuant to chapter RCW 43.21C. The Campus Master Plan and other materials can be reviewed at the Capital Projects Office 206-543-5200.

Agencies, affected tribes and members of the public are invited to comment on the scope of the SEIS. You may comment on reasonable alternatives, mitigation measures, probable significant adverse impacts and licenses or other approvals that may be required. Please provide comments to the contact person by the date specified.

The University has identified the following areas for discussion in the SEIS: Noise; Housing; Land Use Patterns; Land Use- Relationship to Plans and Policies; Aesthetics, Light & Glare; Historic Resources; Transportation; Construction and climate changes.

Contact Person: Jan Arntz

Comment Deadline: April 14

Responsible Official: Richard K. Chapman

Position/Title: Associate Vice President for Capital Projects Telephone: 206-543-5200

Address: University of Washington, University Facilities Building, Box 352205, Seattle, WA 98195-2205

*Supplements the University of Washington Campus Master Plan