UW News

April 30, 2009

A fund to help lower-paid UW workers with school costs? Two UW retirees made it happen (and you can contribute)

Two UW retirees have set up a fund that will benefit UW service employees and their families. The Service Employees Opportunity Scholarship Fund will provide money for custodians, food service workers, laundry workers and their families to attend the UW.

The fund was started from contributions by Helen Remick, retired vice provost for equal opportunity, and Jerri McCray, retired associate vice president for facilities services. And because the contributions were made during the Faculty-Staff-Retiree Campaign, they were matched by the University. In the fall, $750 will be available for disbursement.

McCray and Remick are both veteran UW employees. McCray worked here for 40 years and Remick for 30 years. They met a couple of years after Remick started and began having lunch together. Their retirements three years ago didn’t interrupt their friendship or the lunches.

Both women had the opportunity to work with employees in the categories affected by their fund — employees who generally make less than $40,000 a year in a full-time job.

“Although their work is essential to the well-being of the University, these employees are often overlooked,” Remick said. “This scholarship seemed to be a perfect way to recognize this group of employees and at the same time give something back to the University.”

Once she got the idea, Remick wanted to optimize what her gift could do, so she turned to McCray. “I called Jerri and said, ‘I’m obsessed with this. Do you want to join me?’ And she said yes.”

“I always found that the people I dealt with in these job categories were very proud that they worked at the UW,” McCray said. “So if their children could go to school here, they’d feel really good about that.”

These three job categories were chosen because they are relatively large groups and are among the lowest paid at the University. Some employees may be enrolled in University courses and can use the scholarship to meet their expenses. Others may have family members who attend one of the campuses of the UW and can put the money to good use. As the scholarship fund grows, the job categories included may expand.

Any food service, custodial or laundry employee with at least five years’ service at the University is eligible for the scholarship, as are members of their families. Click here to view a flyer detailing the requirements and other information about the scholarship. The application itself is available here. The deadline for fall applications is June 1. Selection of the scholarship recipients will be made by the Student Financial Aid Office with consideration given to criteria provided by Remick and McCray.

Remick and McCray are encouraging their friends, other retirees and current staff and faculty to contribute to the fund so that the number of scholarships available will increase. Contributions can be in any amount and can be given one time or over time. Click here to contribute.

“We think of the scholarship as another way to help and perhaps make a difference in some folks’ lives so they and their families will be able to advance further than they otherwise would have,” Remick said. “It’s a recognition of their efforts and aspirations.”