UW News

May 28, 2009

Etc.: Campus news & notes

CHANGE AGENT: Marguerite Roza, research associate professor in the College of Education, received one of two Change Agent of the Year Awards at the NewSchools Venture Fund annual summit. This award goes to the individuals in the education reform community whose contributions over the past year are worth of celebration. Here’s what Joanne Weiss, partner and chief operating officer at NewSchools, had to say about Roza:

“…it is her thoughtful analysis and financial acumen that provided much of the data to support the economic stabilization part of the stimulus package for education – a mere $54B in funds.

“One day in early January, the D.C. movers and shakers were doing math on napkins, trying to figure out how much money was needed to save teaching jobs in America. I was asked, ‘Who’s the best person in the country on education finance?’ Without a moment’s hesitation, I said ‘Marguerite Roza.’

“I called her and she said, ‘Funny you should call. I spent my entire Christmas holiday doing a state-by-state financial model of exactly this question!’ Not only did she have a robust model that provided exactly the answers Washington needed — but like a good reformer, she went a step farther. She had built into her model the cost of ‘tenure and seniority’ — what it would cost the nation in layoffs because instead of laying off the least effective teachers, we had to lay off the least senior. Marguerite has since published widely, testified before Congress, and calculated the human costs to our country of bad policy.”

MADAME PRESIDENT: Tina Miller, the University’s assistant registrar of graduation and academic records and degree audit reporting, has been named President of the Washington Association of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers for 2009-2010. She will begin her duties in July. Miller had previously served as the group’s vice-president. She replaces Andrew Anderson of Seattle University.

The Washington Association of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers serves the state’s higher education community. It is one of the only organizations through which representatives of public, private, two-year, four-year, and nontraditional colleges regularly meet. The UW helped form the young organization in 2006 to serve the professional development and communication needs of in-state professionals not being met by the regional or national groups. The state group’s annual conference offers a full day of seminars, networking, and professional development opportunities.

SILVER TO GOLD: The Alumni Association’s publication, Viewpoints, has won an Award of Excellence in the 2009 Communicator Awards competition put on by the International Academy of the Visual Arts. This competition drew more than 7,000 entries nationwide. Viewpoints was honored in the category of Educational Institutions. The Award of Excellence is the highest honor given by the International Academy of the Visual Arts. Last year, Viewpoints received an Award of Distinction in the same competition, which is equivalent to a silver medal. This award reflects the hard work of Publisher Chuck Blumenfeld, Associate Publisher Sue Brockmann, Editor Jon Marmor, Graphic Designer Michele Locatelli and writers Derek Belt and Courtney Acitelli.

Do you know someone who deserves kudos for an outstanding achievement, award, appointment or book publication? If so, send that person’s name, title and achievement to uweek@u.washington.edu.