UW News

December 3, 2009

Forum to take up issue of child safety and the courts

Should the legal standards for returning a child to his or her biological parents be the same as those that dictate removal? That is just one of the questions to be discussed at an event sponsored by the UW School of Law Court Improvement Training Academy (CITA). “Child Safety, Best Interests, or Preserving Families?” will be from 10 a.m. to noon Monday, Dec. 7, in 225 Kane.

The event will be opened with a presentation by John E.B. Myers, a professor of law at the University of the Pacific’s McGeorge School of Law, followed by a panel discussion of Washington state child welfare legal experts. Co-sponsors of the event are Partners for Our Children and Catalyst for Kids.

CITA is a new program designed to create a learning community comprised of judges, lawyers, and other professionals involved in the juvenile court dependency process. CITA is funded by a grant of federal Court Improvement Program money administered by the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts. CITA learning opportunities are centered around a philosophy which blends innovative interdisciplinary research and practical solutions to everyday problems faced in child welfare law.