December 10, 2009
Official Notices
Board of Regents
The Board of Regents meeting for December has been canceled. The next regular meeting will be held Thursday, Jan. 21.
Blood Drives
Friday, Dec. 18, 10 a.m. — 6:30 p.m., Health Sciences Lobby
Wednesday, Dec. 30, 10 a.m. — 4 p.m., Health Sciences Lobby
Monday, Jan. 4, 2010, 10 a.m. — 4 p.m., Health Sciences Lobby
Friday, January 15, 2010, 10 a.m. — 6:30 p.m., Health Sciences Lobby
Tuesday, January 5, 2010, 10 a.m. — 4 p.m., 108 HUB
Wednesday, January 6, 2010, 10:30 a.m. — 4:30 p.m., Bus parked by George Washington statue
Exchange Program to Bergen, Norway: Call for Applications
The University of Washington-University of Bergen Exchange Program now in its 30th year announces its annual competition for visiting professor appointments at the University of Bergen, Norway, for a minimum term of one quarter. Appointments can also be arranged at the University of Trondheim.
Visiting professors and advanced graduate students receive travel expenses and access to subsidized housing. Those selected continue to receive their UW salary while in residence in Bergen.
Applications from all academic fields are encouraged, and can be accessed via the Dept of Scandinavian Studies Web site. Deadline: Dec. 15. For more information contact Christine Ingebritsen, Chair, UW-UBergen Exchange Program, or 206-543-0675.
University of Washington: Threshold determination mitigated determination of non-significance (MDNS)
Project Name: University of Washington Ethnic Cultural Center
Description of Proposal: Development of a new three-story building on the site of the current Ethnic Cultural Center to replace and expand the existing facility. The new structure will include: additional office and workspace for student organizations; more meeting space to allow for student events; more informal display space; and, more multi-cultural library resource space. The building would be approximately 26,000 gross square feet.
Proponent: University of Washington
Location of Proposal: 3943 Brooklyn Avenue NE – The site of the new facility is at the current location of the Ethnic Cultural Center which is located at the southwest corner of NE 40th Street (Lincoln Way) and Brooklyn Avenue NE in the West Campus area of the University of Washington Seattle Campus. The site corresponds with the northern portion of Campus Master Plan-Seattle 2003, Site 38W.
Lead Agency: University of Washington
The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030 (2) (c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request.
Copies Available: A limited number of copies are available while supplies last at the Capital Projects Office, University of Washington, Box 352205, University Facilities Building, Seattle, WA 98195. Additional copies may be obtained for the cost of copying. CD’s are available at no charge.
The document is also available at
This Threshold Determination MDNS is issued under WAC 197-11-350; there is a 14-day comment period. Comments must be submitted by December 21, 2009, to:
Responsible Official: Richard K. Chapman, Associate Vice President for Capital Projects
Capital Projects Office
Box 352205
Seattle, WA 98105-2205
Phone: (206) 543-5200
Contact Person: Jan Arntz, Environmental/Land Use Compliance Officer
Capital Projects Office
Box 352205
Seattle, WA 98105-2205
Phone: (206) 543-5200
Pursuant to the provisions of WAC 197-11-510 and WAC 478-324-140, the University of Washington hereby provides public notice of the:
Project Name: West Campus Student Housing Project Phase 1A and 1B
Proponent: University of Washington
Location: The sites for Phase 1A correspond to Sites 31W, 32W, 33W, 35W of the Campus Master Plan — Seattle 2003. The four sites are located in the West Sector of campus, in subarea SW-1, which is generally bounded by Eastlake Ave. NE to the west, Lincoln Way to the south, 15th Ave. NE to the east and NE 42nd St. to the north. The sites for Phase 1B correspond with the Campus Master Plan – Seattle 2003 sites 29W/42W and 30W. Site 29W/42W is located in the University’s West Campus area in subarea S/W-6 which is generally bounded by Eastlake Ave. NE (University Bridge) to the west, Lincoln Way to the north, Brooklyn Ave. NE to the east and NE Pacific St. to the south. Site 30W is located in subarea S/W-1 which is generally bounded by Eastlake Ave. NE to the west, Lincoln Way to the south, 15th Ave. NE to the east and NE 42nd St. to the north.
Description: Phase 1A of the Preferred Alternative would entail the development of three new residence hall facilities and a new student apartment facility on development sites 31W, 32W, 33W and 35W identified in the Seattle Campus Master Plan — 2003. Approximately 1,645 new student beds would be created. Demolition of some existing onsite buildings and parking lots would occur. Two alley vacations are being requested for sites 32W and 35W. Phase 1B would entail the development of new multi-building apartment facilities on development sites 29W/42W and 30W providing approximately 720 to 1,280 new apartment beds. Parking would be accommodated over time through a combination of new spaces within the Phase 1A and 1B sites, utilizing existing parking capacity in other areas of the campus and/or other arrangements with the University of Washington Commuter Services. It is anticipated that Phase 1A housing would be available for occupancy in the fall of 2012 and Phase 1B housing would be available for occupancy in the fall of 2013.
Lead Agency: University of Washington
Copies Available: A limited number of copies are available while supplies last at the Capital Projects Office, University of Washington, Box 352205, University Facilities Building, Seattle, WA 98195. Additional copies may be obtained for the cost of copying. CD’s are available at no charge.
The document is also available at:
Final Action: Approval of the Proposed Action by the University, including approval of project design, authorization to prepare construction documents, and authorization to sign a contract with a General Contractor/Construction Manager by the University of Washington.