January 21, 2010
You can help Haiti through spaghetti feed or Combined Fund Drive donation
You can have home-made spaghetti sauce while helping out the victims of the Haiti earthquake at a spaghetti feed hosted by Facilities Services from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 26, on the second floor of the Plant Services Building. The suggested donation is $5, and all proceeds will go to the Red Cross Haiti Relief Fund.
Tony Mussio, program support supervisor for maintenance & alterations — a division of Facilities Services — is organizing this event. In 2005, he said, Facilities Services raised $1,710 with a similar event for Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Donations of cash or checks will be sought, and all are tax deductible.
Mussio is proud that the 350 employees of the maintenance and alterations division of Facilties Services are eager to donate to the Haiti cause. “Nobody’s ever been shy about stepping up to the plate and helping out people in need,” he said, “and that includes our annual donation from our holiday party.”
Mussio said there should be 20 or more different home-made pasta sauces created by folks in his division, served with garlic bread and salad.
UW faculty, staff, students and retirees also can also give to Haiti relief efforts through the UW Combined Fund Drive, the statewide workplace giving campaign. You may give a one-time gift or set up ongoing payroll deductions by visiting the Make a Donation page. Choose your charity and designate “Haiti Earthquake Relief.”
Mussio said many donated far beyond the suggested $5 at his 2005 spaghetti feed for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. “People were throwing in $20 bills left and right.” A representative of the UW CFD will be on hand if people feel like writing checks to donate to the cause, he said.
Charities currently providing aid to Haiti include: American Red Cross (0337346), CARE (0315522), Catholic Relief Services (0315527), Doctors Without Borders (0315935), Mercy Corps (0316589), Partners in Health (1478313), UNICEF (0315489), World Concern (0497089), World Vision (0315561).