UW News

January 28, 2010

Official Notices

Board of Regents

The Board of Regents will hold a regular meeting at 3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 18, in Allen Library’s Petersen Room.

Blood Drives

Thursday, Jan. 28, 10:30 a.m. — 4:30p.m., Bus Parked by George Washington Statue

Monday, Feb. 1, 10 a.m. — 4 p.m., Health Sciences lobby

Wednesday, Feb. 3, 9 a.m. — 3 p.m., UW Tower visitor dining room

Volunteers needed for study

Healthy volunteers needed for a research study. Seeking overweight/obese non-smokers age 18-55 for a 3 month research study comparing the effect of a low fat vs. a high fat diet on risk factors associated with diabetes. Must commit to eat only the study diet and to 8 days of study procedures involving IVs, MRI scan and fat biopsy. Compensation up to $600. Call 206-277-5072.

Volunteers sought for support group facilitators

Seattle Children’s Hospital’s Journey Program is seeking volunteers to serve as support group facilitators for bereaved parents. Training dates are Friday and Saturday, March 19 and 20. Inquiries from anyone interested in offering their gifts of time and caring are welcome at 206-987-2062 or by e-mail at journey.program@seattlechildrens.org.  

English Language Courses

The UW International & English Language Programs (UW IELP) offers quarterly online and on-site courses designed primarily for non-native speakers of English.

Convenient online courses are available for UW employees who want to improve their sentence-level grammar and vocabulary in academic, business, or technical writing. All of the courses have online interactive exercises and short assignments to be completed each week. Instructors respond to assignments within two business days, giving detailed one-on-one feedback.

Evening on-site courses focus on improving conversational skills and preparation for the iBT TOEFL. There are also daytime courses in reading, writing, grammar, speaking, listening, and vocabulary and idioms.

UW IELP customizes courses in English for the Workplace. Depending on the needs of your group, courses can be designed for such areas as pronunciation and fluency, assisting clients by telephone, presentation skills and the language of meetings, e-mail communication, and job-specific vocabulary and idioms.

For more information, call 543-6242 or e-mail uwelp@u.washington.edu.  

Alcohol and drug abuse research grants

The Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute invites applications from University of Washington researchers for its Small Grants research awards. Proposed research must be in alcohol or drug abuse-related fields. The maximum amount considered for funding is $30,000 for faculty and research scientists. The funding limit for pre-doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows is $20,000.

The next application deadline is 5 p.m., March 15. Questions concerning the application process or suitability of a potential project should be directed to the Institute at 206-543-0937. Application guidelines are available on the ADAI Web site  or by calling ADAI at 206-543-0937

University of Washington: Mitigated determination of non-significance (MDNS)

Project Name: Husky Union Building (HUB) Renovation Project

Description of Proposal: The HUB was originally constructed in 1949 as a three-story, approximately 72,500 square foot building designed to function as the student union building. Additions were made to the structure in 1952, 1959, 1963 and 1975 creating a structure of approximately 259,000 square feet in six levels (three above grade, one partially below grade and two below grade). Uses include: student activity and organization offices, dining facilities, ballrooms, auditoriums, meeting areas, recreational areas and student services. The project would reconfigure existing building space (including a small addition of approximately 10,000 square feet) creating additional office and workspace for student organizations; additional meeting room space, additional leased space for student services (bookstore, bank, salon, etc.); additional student lounges; and a central commuter area. The project will improve building circulation, provide increased natural lighting and ventilation, removed existing hazardous materials and increase energy efficiency. New landscaping would be provided on site, some exceptional trees would be removed and mitigated.

Proponent: University of Washington — Seattle

Location of Proposal: The HUB is located in the Central Campus area and is generally bounded by Stevens Way East to the south and east, King Lane to the north and Yakima Lane to the west.

Lead Agency: University of Washington

The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030 (2) (c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request.

This (MDNS) is issued under (197-11-350 and 478-324-070 and 140); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date below.

Comments must be submitted by Feb. 9, 2010 to:

Responsible Official: Richard K. Chapman, Assoc. Vice President for Capital Projects

Capital Projects Office

Box 352205

Seattle, WA 98105-2205

Phone: 206-543-5200

Contact Person: Jan Arntz, Environmental/Land Use Compliance Officer

Capital Projects Office

Box 352205

Seattle, WA 98105-2205

Phone: 206-543-5200