February 11, 2010
University of Washington leaders give salary to fund scholarships, programs
Senior leaders at the University of Washington have decided to donate 5 percent of their salaries to the University in support of student scholarships and academic programs. This includes UW President Mark Emmert and Provost Phyllis Wise, along with vice presidents and vice provosts, deans and chancellors, the athletic director and the head football and basketball coaches.
The goal of contributing at this time is to provide additional assistance to programs supporting students and faculty that are struggling in the current economic climate and state revenue shortfall.
“People throughout the university are working extraordinarily hard,” said Emmert. “Our senior leaders decided to demonstrate their support for our people who have taken on extra work and larger classes to serve our students. The funds we are donating will help students and faculty in these difficult times. I am very proud of my colleagues’ commitment and generosity.”
Contributions are expected to total over $600,000 to various programs and scholarships.
These gifts from UW leaders are not the first time they have demonstrated philanthropic support for the institution. Last year, many of them, along with more than 8,500 faculty and staff, contributed over $16 million to various needs of the University, including student scholarships, faculty endowments, and current program support.