February 25, 2010
Media Advisory: UW hosts student entrepreneurs in global competition to address issues of poverty and global health
WHAT: The 6th annual Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition, in which student teams from around the globe pitch business solutions to issues of poverty in the developing world. Prize money totaling $18,000 is on the line. Business ideas range from pedal-powered lighting solutions in Africa to oral saline (made from cassava) that addresses water-borne diseases in Bangladesh.
WHO: Student teams from Bangladesh, Canada, China, India, Rwanda and the U.S., including three teams from UW.
WHEN: March 2–4
Two events may be of particular interest to media:
· A “trade show” where teams will set up displays and pitch their ideas to mock investors and the general public, 4 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 2, Husky Union Building East Ballroom.
· The awards banquet featuring keynote speaker Bill Gates, Sr., and the announcement of the winning teams, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, March 4, Grand Hyatt Hotel, 721 Pine St.
A full schedule of events, including locations and times, can be found at: http://foster.washington.edu/gsec/schedule.shtml.