UW News

March 12, 2010

Media Advisory: UW students present phone apps for people with disabilities

UW News

WHAT: Final presentation for CSE 481H, a senior-level project course designing accessibility tools for mobile phones running the Android platform


  • Undergraduate students registered in the course
  • Richard Ladner, professor of computer science and engineering
  • Members of the local blind and deaf-blind communities

WHEN: Monday, March 15, 2010, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

WHERE: Room 691, Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science & Engineering


Students will present and demonstrate, in a drop-in poster session, accessibility-oriented tools they built over the past quarter for mobile phones running Google’s Android platform. The five applications are:

  • A daily task trainer and scheduler for people with cognitive disabilities
  • “Where am I?”: A mobile application for people who are blind or have low-vision in order to find nearby people and places
  • An application to determine your location, what direction you are going, and what points of interest or businesses lie ahead if you are blind, low-vision or deaf-blind
  • “BrailleLearn”: Mobile games that encourage children who are blind to learn Braille
  • An application that uses the phone’s camera to read characters, for people who are blind

Interpreters will be available. Light refreshments will be served.


For more information, contact Ladner at 206-543-9347 or ladner@cs.washington.edu.