August 16, 2010
UW named one of America’s 20 “coolest” schools by Sierra Magazine
Sierra Magazine, the official publication of the Sierra Club, has named the University of Washington one of the top 20 colleges and universities for its initiatives to operate sustainably and limit its contributions to global warming. This is the third year the UW has been named to this elite group.
For the second year in a row, the UW is ranked within the top five schools for campus sustainability. UW is #4 on “Cool Schools” list with Evergreen State College at #3. . The complete list is available at UW leads the list in large, public research universities.
“We are thrilled to be included again among the most environmentally responsible universities in the country,” says Provost Phyllis Wise. “It is an honor to be included among the very best schools, all of which have excellent environmental records. The UW is committed to continue to innovate in ways that are environmentally conscious.”
Schools were ranked on ten factors: efficiency, energy, food, academics, purchasing, transportation, waste management, administration, financial investments and other initiatives.
The UW is a founding member of the Seattle Climate Partnership and the Seattle campus electrical purchases are 100 percent renewable. It is a charter signatory to the American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) is guided by the Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee that is supported by the Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Office. The University established a formal policy on environmental stewardship and has developed an ambitious Climate Action Plan, a document laying out the broad strategies the UW will use to become climate neutral.
The UW also has implemented wide-ranging energy conservation projects. UW Housing & Food Services emphasize local organic and natural foods; it recently became a pilot site for the first compostable paper cup designed specifically for soft drinks and made from renewable resources. The University has committed to build all state-funded, federal stimulus funded, and specific client goal directed new construction and major renovation projects to at least LEED Silver standards.
The UW encourages the community to use alternative transportation and maintains a fleet of more than 300 alternative fuel, hybrid, electric and biodiesel-powered vehicles and trucks. UW Creative Communications, UW’s in-house design and production department, currently uses 100 percent post-consumer recycled content Harbor 100 paper (Grays Harbor Mill) as house stock in all five high volume copy centers. Creative Communications is Forest Stewardship Council certified and promotes a wide range of paper stocks that have been produced under FSC established standards of sustainability.
This spring, student activists created the Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF), which dedicates a portion of the Student Activities Fee to support projects that increase campus sustainability, prioritize student leadership and involvement and include outreach and education components