November 15, 2010
UW is fourth in country in students studying abroad
The University of Washington has risen from seventh to fourth among universities in the total number of its students who are studying abroad, according to a report issued today by the Institute of International Education.
For the 2008-9 school year, the UW gave academic credit to 2,349 students for study abroad. UW sent 2,124 students abroad the previous year. Nationally, the number of students studying abroad was down slightly from the previous year. New York University was first, with 3,524 students. Michigan State was second and UCLA third.
“We are very proud of the fact that so many of our students avail themselves of the many opportunities we provide to experience and learn about other countries and cultures,” says Steve Hanson, UW vice provost for global affairs. “One of our goals is to educate students to be global citizens in the 21st century, and nothing contributes to that quite like the experience of learning and living in another country. We hope to send even more students abroad in the future.”
“The credit for this increase goes to our committed and talented faculty, who encourage our students to study abroad and who actually take many of them abroad, providing opportunities for them to have a rich and engaging experience,” says Peter Moran, UW director of international programs and exchanges. “Without the strong commitment from the faculty, we simply wouldn’t be able to send the number of students abroad that we do. It’s the sign of a university truly committed to internationalism.”
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