November 17, 2010
Master weavers featured at the Burke Thanksgiving weekend
The Burke Museum will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. Weaving Heritage: Textile Masterpieces from the Burke Collection will be on display through Feb. 27, 2011. For more information, visit online here.
This Thanksgiving weekend bring the family to the Burke Museum to watch master weavers create intricate textiles on deceptively simple looms.
Master weavers John Beard and Marilyn Romatka will demonstrate weaving techniques that created some of the exquisite textiles on view in the new exhibit Weaving Heritage: Textile Masterpieces from the Burke Collection.
On Saturday, Nov. 27, 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Beard will work on a ravenstail dance apron hand-twined in wool. The beautiful completed ravenstail robe he wove is on display in Weaving Heritage. Beard is a master weaver and teacher who lives in Tigard, Oregon.
On Sunday, Nov. 28, 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Romatka will demonstrate Inkle loom weaving using cotton warp. Inkle looms have ancient roots and are powered by hand with no moving parts to create long narrow pieces. Romatka, an active member of the Seattle Weavers Guild, has studied weaving techniques from all over the world and brings a wealth of weaving knowledge with her to the Burke.
Weaving Heritage: Textile Masterpieces from the Burke Collection, the first major exhibition of the museum’s international textile collection, displays textile masterpieces from the peoples of the Americas, Asia, and the Pacific Islands.